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On this channel we like to take you places. Together we’ve made our way through the tropical landscapes of leverage trading, we’ve lounged in a cozy piano bar for a little morning TA with Matty B, we’ve sat in the armchair for some sports analysis and went with crypto on its ever-volatile journey from China to El Salvador; bull market to pullback; and beyond. Today we’re going to take you to the flat, sprawling grasslands of the African Savannah; to see the beautiful Antelope. An animal like a giant deer. Agile, muscular, crowned with beautiful horns. And also, the next meal for the Savannah’s Apex predators like the Cheetah who can run as fast as a car speeding down the interstate. The Antelope in this story? Your trades… and the Cheetah… Stop loss hunters that are camouflaging within the savannah grasses waiting to spring out, sprint, and make their kill. How do these market makers know where sell orders and stop losses are hiding? Why are they doing it? And what Defi tools can the Antelope use to protect itself from the Cheetah? That’s what we’re here to find out.
0:00 Intro
1:23 Market Makers
3:11 Stop Loss Hunting
4:55 Yield Farming
5:57 Curve
7:52 Balancer
8:12 Automated Market Makers
All of our videos are strictly personal opinions. Please make sure to do your own research. Never take one person’s opinion for financial guidance. There are multiple strategies and not all strategies fit all people. Our videos ARE NOT financial advice.