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Ankr Introduces Ultra Sound Infrastructure To Revolutionize Web 3.0 Connectivity and Performance

Ankr Introduces Ultra Sound Infrastructure To Revolutionize Web 3.0 Connectivity and Performance


Source: Daily Hodle

San Francisco, California

Ankr has created the first version of an infrastructure solution to serve Web 3.0 ecosystems with a globally distributed network of nodes from a diverse range of node provider partners, including Microsoft and Tencent Cloud.

The solution, named Ultra Sound Infrastructure, was built to offer the highest quality and most distributed node network available for Web 3.0 developers so they can access high-performance connections to blockchains from anywhere in the world.

Inspired by the principles behind Ethereum’s Ultra Sound Money, Ultra Sound Infrastructure aims to provide the ultimate level of speed, performance and efficiency for Web 3.0 developers and their applications connecting to an array of blockchains.

The network is designed to deliver an extremely fast and reliable experience for all decentralized applications that it powers.

To achieve this, Ankr is incentivizing future node providers to deploy nodes to cover any gaps in global coverage for a low-latency experience when serving request traffic from developers and DApps.

Unlike other node partner programs, Ultra Sound Infrastructure will deliver the highest performance possible by only deploying archive nodes.

These nodes are specifically designed to handle high traffic volumes and ensure users can access the fastest and most reliable infrastructure possible.

By distributing archive nodes around the world, Ultra Sound Infrastructure has the potential to optimize Web 3.0 infrastructure, delivering an end-user experience that can deliver the unique benefits of blockchain and digital assets without any detriment to performance.

The initiative is aligned with Ankr’s mission to onboard the next billion users to Web 3.0.

Kev Silk, Ultra Sound Infrastructure lead at Ankr, said,

“Ultra Sound Infrastructure ensures developers and enterprises can build high quality and resource-intensive applications without worrying about slow or unstable network connections. By utilizing our global archive nodes, developers can also ensure that their applications maintain the highest level of performance for their global customer bases.”

The Ultra Sound Infrastructure network will be powered by the ANKR token as it will be used to pay future node providers for the RPC requests they serve.

As the ERC-20 token becomes a necessity to pay for access to over 30 blockchains, the network is expected to provide a more streamlined gateway to Web 3.0 infrastructure, benefiting node providers, developers, enterprises and end users with highly performant experiences.

About Ankr

Ankr is an all-in-one Web 3.0 developer hub that provides a full suite of tools to build Web 3.0 apps and power them with high-performance connections to over 30 blockchains.

They provide multi-chain DApp development tools, AppChain engineering services, crypto staking solutions and a globally distributed node infrastructure that makes it all possible.

Ankr’s solutions make it easy for anyone to build and earn on Web 3.0 and participate in the crypto economy for a more decentralized, democratic and user-owned web experience.


Fabio Wehb Ferrari, Ankr

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Author: Press Release