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Bitcoin Halving Approaches: Less Than 400 Days Until Block Reward Subsidy Is Cut in Half

Bitcoin Halving Approaches: Less Than 400 Days Until Block Reward Subsidy Is Cut in HalfAccording to current statistics, the Bitcoin network is fewer than 56,000 blocks away and less than 400 days away from the next reward halving. After the next halving, the block reward will be reduced by 50%, and the current block subsidy of 6.25 bitcoins will drop to 3.125 bitcoins per block post-halving. In addition to […]

Zimbabwe Injects $50M in Forex Market to Stabilize Currency

Bitcoin Miners Reach the Halfway Point to the Next Block Reward Halving

Bitcoin Miners Reach the Halfway Point to the Next Block Reward HalvingOn May 5, 2022, at block height 735,000, the bitcoin mining pool Poolin mined the 105,000th block reward since the last halving. The mined block also represents the halfway point to the next halving that is estimated to take place on or around April 27, 2024. Block 735,000 follows the network issuing over 19 million […]

Zimbabwe Injects $50M in Forex Market to Stabilize Currency

90% of Bitcoin’s Supply Cap Has Been Issued, Miners Have 119 Years Left to Mine BTC

90% of Bitcoin’s Supply Cap Has Been Issued, Miners Have 119 Years Left to Mine BTCOn December 12, crypto advocates celebrated the fact that 90% of the 21 million bitcoins that will ever exist have been mined into circulation. Currently, Bitcoin’s inflation rate per annum is around 1.88%, which is lower than the central banks’ traditional 2% target reference. Furthermore, in 875 days, the network’s inflation rate is expected to […]

Zimbabwe Injects $50M in Forex Market to Stabilize Currency