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US Crypto Lawsuits Reach All-Time High With 42% Increase in 2022; SEC Cases Dominate Legal Battles

US Crypto Lawsuits Reach All-Time High With 42% Increase in 2022; SEC Cases Dominate Legal BattlesA new study on digital currency-related lawsuits since 2018 shows a 42% increase in crypto lawsuits in 2022. The highest number of claims in a single year was recorded last year, with 41 total claims in the United States. The research also shows that the majority of lawsuits came from the U.S. Securities and Exchange […]

Big Banks Would Survive $685,000,000,000 Financial Disaster Despite Lenders’ Riskier Balance Sheets: Federal Reserve

Market Strategist Predicts Gold Will Be the Top Performer in 2023 Over Cryptocurrencies and Equities

Market Strategist Predicts Gold Will Be the Top Performer in 2023 Over Cryptocurrencies and EquitiesGareth Soloway, president and chief market strategist at inthemoneystocks.com, predicts that gold will outperform cryptocurrencies and equity performances in 2023. In an interview published Thursday, Soloway emphasized his belief that “gold will be the best performer” this year and stated that the U.S. Federal Reserve will not cut rates until a “massively nasty recession” occurs. […]

Big Banks Would Survive $685,000,000,000 Financial Disaster Despite Lenders’ Riskier Balance Sheets: Federal Reserve