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Africa innovation

Ultra Conservatism: A Hindrance to Africa’s Economic Progress and Development

Ultra Conservatism: A Hindrance to Africa’s Economic Progress and DevelopmentMany African countries have adopted an ultra-conservative approach when dealing with revolutionary innovations. However, this has largely left residents behind and stifled talent. As a result, many countries are no closer to attaining ambitious goals. Fear of the unknown has prevented leaders from embracing seemingly risky but innovative solutions. For Africa to truly thrive, there […]

‘Time Is a Flat Circle’ – Analyst Sees Solana (SOL) Mirroring 2021 Price Action That Led to Nearly 980% Rally

South African Mobile Network Operator MTN Buys Land in the Metaverse

South African Mobile Network Operator MTN Buys Land in the MetaverseMobile network operator MTN recently staked claim to its status as one of the first South African companies to enter the metaverse, after it purchased 144 plots of digital land in the virtual world Ubuntuland for an undisclosed amount. MTN Seeks to ‘Amplify Consumers’ Digital Experiences’ South Africa’s mobile network operator, MTN, recently bought 144 […]

‘Time Is a Flat Circle’ – Analyst Sees Solana (SOL) Mirroring 2021 Price Action That Led to Nearly 980% Rally