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London Stock Exchange Embraces Digital Assets by Accepting Crypto ETN Applications

London Stock Exchange Embraces Digital Assets by Accepting Crypto ETN ApplicationsIn a pivotal announcement, the London Stock Exchange (LSE) has shared its plans to accept bitcoin and ethereum exchange-traded note (ETN) applications, signaling a significant shift toward incorporating digital currencies into mainstream financial markets. LSE Announces Acceptance of Crypto ETNs The launch of bitcoin (BTC) and ethereum (ETH) ETNs on the LSE platform marks a […]

Crypto market faces $860M token unlocks in July

Crypto Markets Shed Billions Overnight — Analyst Says ‘Drawdown Normal’ and ‘Bull Market Structure Still Intact’

Crypto Markets Shed Billions Overnight — Analyst Says ‘Drawdown Normal’ and ‘Bull Market Structure Still Intact’Cryptocurrency markets have dropped significantly in value during the last 24 hours as the entire market capitalization of all 10,000 crypto assets in existence has dropped below the $3 trillion mark to $2.77 trillion on Tuesday morning (EST). After tapping $66K on Monday, bitcoin’s price slid below the $60K handle to a low of $58,563 […]

Crypto market faces $860M token unlocks in July

Bitcoin Price Smashes $61.7K High — Leading Crypto Asset Needs to Gain Over 5% to Reach ATH

Bitcoin Price Smashes .7K High — Leading Crypto Asset Needs to Gain Over 5% to Reach ATHThe price of bitcoin has continued to push toward higher prices as the leading crypto asset has tapped a high of $61,749 per unit on Friday. The crypto asset came awfully close (around 5.3% away) from tapping the all-time price high reached six months ago on April 14. Bitcoin’s Bull Market Rampage Continues Bitcoin (BTC) […]

Crypto market faces $860M token unlocks in July

China’s Crypto Crackdown: Fundamentals Still Show Bull Market Continuation, Bobby Lee Says ‘Don’t Panic’

China’s Crypto Crackdown: Fundamentals Still Show Bull Market Continuation, Bobby Lee Says ‘Don’t Panic’The People’s Bank of China (PBOC), the country’s central bank, published a Q&A to its website which said that Chinese citizens participating in virtual currency exchange offshore is “considered illegal financial activity.” The PBOC also reiterated comments it had made in the past stressing that “financial institutions and non-bank payment institutions” cannot process crypto payments. […]

Crypto market faces $860M token unlocks in July

Bitcoin Drops Below $40K, Crypto Economy Down 17%, Markets Lost $250 Billion Last Week

Bitcoin Drops Below K, Crypto Economy Down 17%, Markets Lost 0 Billion Last WeekOn Wednesday, cryptocurrency markets continue to drop lower in value, as the entire crypto-economy has plunged 17% below the $2 trillion mark and now rests at $1.801 trillion. Bitcoin, the leading cryptocurrency in terms of market capitalization, touched a high of $40,770 per unit at 4:48 a.m. (ET). A few hours after hitting that price […]

Crypto market faces $860M token unlocks in July