During the first week of August 2024, Bitcoin’s hashprice—a key metric that gauges the daily value of one petahash per second (PH/s) of hashpower—dipped to its lowest point in history, sliding below $38 per PH/s. In this fiercely competitive bitcoin mining arena, only the most resilient operations can thrive, with the best-performing machines bringing in […]
Following the downturn in bitcoin’s price on Friday, the hashprice of bitcoin has declined from slightly above $119 per petahash per second to marginally over $116 per PH/s on a daily basis. Should the prices remain low leading up to the forthcoming halving event scheduled for next week, certain mining devices may only be viable […]
On October 29, the publicly listed firm Canaan announced the mining manufacturer has secured a follow-on purchase order from the mining operator Hive Blockchain for 6,500 units of Canaan’s next-generation Avalon mining rigs. Hive expects to increase the operation’s hashrate from 1.2 exahash per second (EH/s) to 3 EH/s by March 2022. Hive Secures an […]
The mining rig manufacturer Canaan saw steady profits during the Q1 after reporting its unaudited first quarter 2021 financial results on Tuesday. Canaan noted that it expects to at least sustain current profits or rise above to roughly $150 to $250 million in revenue for Q2. Canaan Expects $250M in Revenue for Q2 – Company […]