It’s getting cheaper to send ethereum these days as the gas price to push a transaction is more than 80% less expensive than it was to transact with ether 48 days ago on January 10. On that day, Ethereum network fees were around $52 per transaction and today, the average transaction fee is $10.26 per […]
The average transaction fee on the Ethereum network has dropped to the lowest level in four months, according to statistics on February 13, 2022. Mid-September 2021 was the last time gas fees on Ethereum were this low, as average fees have dropped to roughly $15.13 per transfer. Ethereum Fees Slide Lower It costs less to […]
Ethereum’s average network fees have dropped to the lowest value in 30 days at 0.0096 ether or $24.64 per transaction. Median-sized ethereum fees are lower today as well, as fees are between $8.37 to $10.82 per transaction as ether fees haven’t been this low since January 1. Onchain Ethereum Fees Drop, Current Bitcoin Fees 91% […]
According to statistics, Ethereum network transaction fees have dropped 35% from the transfer fees recorded seven days ago. At the time of writing, the average fee to transact with ethereum is 0.0099 ether or $30.85 to $33.04 per transfer. The cheapest Layer two (L2) method to transfer ether on Wednesday is $0.25 per transaction using […]