Pavel Durov, founder and CEO of Telegram, has reportedly been arrested at Le Bourget airport in France under a search warrant issued by the French judicial police. The arrest follows accusations that Telegram facilitates crimes like drug trafficking and fraud due to its anonymity features. Durov faces serious charges, including terrorism and narcotics trafficking. Telegram […]
Ali Shamkhani, secretary of the National Security Council of Iran, has stated that the recent bilateral cooperation efforts between his country and Russia are contributing to rendering U.S.-established sanctions useless at a global level. The official noted that many other countries are also in this course of action — abandoning the hegemony of the U.S. […]
Cryptocurrency exchange Binance has offered to support Azerbaijan in efforts to establish regulations for digital assets. The leading coin trading platform has been active in the region this year, seeking to expand market presence and increase interaction with authorities. Binance to Assist Azerbaijan’s Monetary Authority With Regulations for Cryptocurrencies The world’s largest exchange for crypto […]