The world’s largest crypto exchange, Binance, has lifted certain restrictions on Russian users, local crypto media unveiled. According to multiple reports, Russians can once again use their bank cards to make deposits and the trading platform has canceled a limit on their balances which was introduced in compliance with European sanctions. Russian Cards, Including Visa […]
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is reportedly pushing for Turkey and Russia to establish a new payment system between them. The initiative comes amid U.S. pressure against the use of the Russian Mir cards in Turkey. Some Turkish banks have been working with them to facilitate payments by Russian tourists visiting the country. President Erdogan […]
Ukrainian investigators have exposed a scheme targeting residents of the country and the European Union with various financial scams, including some related to cryptocurrencies. The criminal organization members contacted their victims through call centers to collect personal financial information. Fake Ukrainian Call Centers Promise Foreigners Excess Profits From Crypto Trading Officers from the Main Investigative […]
The financial regulator of Taiwan has asked local banks not to allow the use of cards for payments in transactions involving cryptocurrencies, local media revealed. The authority says these assets are risky while associated cash flows are hard to monitor. Taiwanese Regulator Urges Banks Not to Allow Crypto-Related Payments With Bank Cards Taiwan’s Financial Supervisory […]
Crypto exchange Binance has blocked transactions with Mastercard and Visa cards issued in the Russian Federation. The trading platform announced the move after the American payment giants decided to halt operations in Russia over its military invasion of Ukraine. Russians Unable to Use Their Mastercard and Visa Cards on Binance Starting on Wednesday, March 9, […]