The bitcoin hardware wallet manufacturer Coinkite has announced the launch of a new product, the Coldcard Q1, which features a QWERTY keyboard and QR code scanner. Coinkite details that the battery-powered device utilizes the same security model as the Coldcard Mk4. Coinkite Introduces the Coldcard Q1 Over the past three months, companies have unveiled new […]
On Nov. 29, 2022, The Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) published a report on seasonal assessment and resource adequacy for the ERCOT region. ERCOT’s study indicates that bitcoin mining operations are flexible operations that can be beneficial to the Texas grid during the upcoming winter and extreme peak load times. ERCOT Report Says Texas […]
According to Lancium Inc., a crypto mining infrastructure firm, the company has signed a deal with the Texas battery-storage provider Broad Reach Power LLC. Broad Reach Power plans to supply battery power to Lancium’s Fort Stockton-based 25-megawatt facility and when the grid is swamped by excessive energy demand, Lancium can continue mining without reducing its […]