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Bitcoin Tender

Salvadoran Court of Accounts to Investigate Government’s Bitcoin ATM Buys, Chivo Kiosk Construction

Salvadoran Court of Accounts to Investigate Government’s Bitcoin ATM Buys, Chivo Kiosk ConstructionAccording to reports stemming from the Salvadoran Court of Accounts, the regulatory body is planning to investigate the government’s bitcoin automated teller machine (ATM) purchases and Chivo kiosk construction. The investigation follows the recent protest in El Salvador against the adoption of bitcoin as the crowd set fire to a bitcoin ATM. Human Rights Group […]

Pantera Capital Targets $1 Billion for New ‘All-in-One’ Blockchain Fund Set for 2025 Launch

Group of Salvadorans Take to the Streets to Protest El Salvador’s New Bitcoin Law

Group of Salvadorans Take to the Streets to Protest El Salvador’s New Bitcoin LawWhile some Salvadorans situated near Playa El Zonte beach like the new bitcoin tender law implemented by Nayib Bukele’s regime, a number of other citizens dislike the law. This week, regional reports show citizens from El Salvador have taken to the streets to protest the bitcoin tender law. Salvadoran Protestors Say Bitcoin Is ‘Too Volatile’ […]

Pantera Capital Targets $1 Billion for New ‘All-in-One’ Blockchain Fund Set for 2025 Launch