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Self-Proclaimed Bitcoin Creator Craig Wright Drops Lawsuit Against BTC Developers

Self-Proclaimed Bitcoin Creator Craig Wright Drops Lawsuit Against BTC Developers

A computer scientist who claims to be the pseudonymous creator of Bitcoin (BTC) is dropping his lawsuit against Bitcoin developers. According to a new post by the Bitcoin Legal Defense Fund, Craig Wright, who for years proclaimed to be Satoshi Nakamoto, is dropping his case against the 12 Bitcoin developers and others he sued in […]

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UK Judge Rules Craig Wright Is Neither Bitcoin Creator Satoshi Nakamoto nor the BTC White Paper Author

UK Judge Rules Craig Wright Is Neither Bitcoin Creator Satoshi Nakamoto nor the BTC White Paper Author

A UK Judge is ruling that Australian computer scientist Craig Wright is not Satoshi Nakamoto, the anonymous creator of Bitcoin (BTC), nor is he the author of the BTC White Paper. According to BitMEX Research, the Cryptocurrency Open Patent Alliance (COPA) – a nonprofit crypto advocacy group – recently won its case against Wright, who […]

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Satoshi Nakamoto’s Seminal Bitcoin White Paper Turns 14 Today

Satoshi Nakamoto’s Seminal Bitcoin White Paper Turns 14 TodayApproximately 14 years ago today, on Halloween, Satoshi Nakamoto introduced Bitcoin to the world by sharing the renowned white paper. Satoshi’s invention, shared on metzdowd.com’s Cryptography Mailing List, not only solved a problem that had plagued computer scientists for years, but the invention also redefined how people look at money. Furthermore, as a side effect, […]

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Bitcoin Added to the Guinness Book of World Records as the ‘First Decentralized Cryptocurrency’

Bitcoin Added to the Guinness Book of World Records as the ‘First Decentralized Cryptocurrency’Since 1955 Guinness World Records (GWR) has published a reference book annually that covers world records from extreme natural events to human achievements. This year, Bitcoin has entered the fray as the world’s first and most valuable cryptocurrency network as GWR has added the subject to this year’s annual records. Satoshi Nakamoto’s Bitcoin Enters the […]

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‘There’s More Work to Do’ — 11 Years Ago, Satoshi Nakamoto Sent a Final Message to the Bitcoin Community

‘There’s More Work to Do’ — 11 Years Ago, Satoshi Nakamoto Sent a Final Message to the Bitcoin CommunityTo this day, Satoshi Nakamoto is one of Bitcoin’s biggest mysteries as people have searched far and wide to uncover the creator’s identity. 11 years ago, on December 12, 2010, the pseudonymous blockchain programmer (or programmers) left a final message to the crypto community stressing that “there’s more work to do on [denial-of-service] DoS.” Satoshi […]

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Celebrating the Seminal Bitcoin White Paper Satoshi Nakamoto Published 13 Years Ago Today

Celebrating the Seminal Bitcoin White Paper Satoshi Nakamoto Published 13 Years Ago TodayAll around the world cryptocurrency supporters and proponents of blockchain technology are celebrating the 13th anniversary of the Bitcoin white paper. The summary of the inventor’s creation was published on metzdowd.com’s Cryptography Mailing List on Halloween 2008, as it gave birth to an asset with a market valuation of over $1 trillion and sparked the […]

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A Look at How Buckminster Fuller Predicted Bitcoin: ‘A Realistic, Scientific Accounting System of What Is Wealth’

A Look at How Buckminster Fuller Predicted Bitcoin: ‘A Realistic, Scientific Accounting System of What Is Wealth’Richard Buckminster Fuller was a well known American architect, systems theorist, author, and inventor. Similar to the visions expressed by the industrialist Henry Ford, the Nobel laureate Friedrich Hayek, and Austrian economist Milton Friedman, Buckminster Fuller also predicted a concept that resembled Satoshi Nakamoto’s Bitcoin invention 54 years ago in 1967. Buckminster Fuller: ‘Build a […]

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Bitcoin.org blocks access to Bitcoin software download in the UK

Apart from removing the white paper, Cøbra has removed access to Bitcoin software for site visitors from the United Kingdom.

It is no longer possible to download the Bitcoin Core software from Bitcoin.org if you visit the website with a United Kingdom internet protocol (IP) address. A notice on the website reads: “This software is presently not available for download in the UK, and download links will not work if you are located within the United Kingdom.”

Indeed, attempting to proceed with downloading the Bitcoin (BTC) software from the site using a U.K. IP returns a “404 error.”

Detailing the reason for blocking access to the software download for U.K. site visitors, Bitcoin.org’s pseudonymous owner Cøbra responded to a tweet stating:

“The white paper is in the blockchain and can be retrieved through the software. I’m not allowed to distribute the whitepaper on bitcoin.org, or ‘in any other way.’ We have to follow the law.”

As previously reported by Cointelegraph, a U.K. court ruled in favor of self-proclaimed Bitcoin creator Craig Wright in a copyright infringement case against Cøbra and Bitcoin.org for hosting the Bitcoin white paper.

However, the default judgment was only because Cøbra elected not to mount a defense. As part of the ruling, Cøbra was also instructed to cover Wright’s legal fees to the tune of 35,000 British pounds (about $48,600).

Related: Craig Wright wins default judgment, Bitcoin.org must remove Bitcoin white paper

The judgment is the latest salvo in Wright’s assault on people who dispute his claim of being Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto. In January, Wright demanded that Bitcoin.org, Bitcoin.com, and Bitcoincore.org remove copies of the Bitcoin white paper from their respective websites.

Wright continues to maintain that Bitcoin white paper is his intellectual property. Meanwhile, he continues to be a proponent of Bitcoin SV (BSV), a factional chain that split off from Bitcoin Cash (BCH) which is itself another forked chain from Bitcoin.

The Bitcoin software download is still available on Bitcoincore.org, even for visitors with U.K. IP addresses as of the time of writing.

Indeed, geofencing the download link on Bitcoin.org is not likely to impact people interested in running Bitcoin Core in the country, given the multitude of workarounds like virtual private networks and other websites that host the software.

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Craig Wright Wins Default Judgment Against Cobra — Bitcoin.org Forced to Remove White Paper

Craig Wright Wins Default Judgment Against Cobra — Bitcoin.org Forced to Remove White PaperThe self-proclaimed inventor of Bitcoin, Craig Wright, has won a default judgment in London’s High Court in his copyright infringement case against the pseudonymous operator of bitcoin.org. According to a report, the website and its owner Cobra must remove the Bitcoin white paper from the web portal and pay $48K in legal costs as well. […]

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How Did Satoshi Nakamoto Remain Anonymous? A Detailed Look at the Bitcoin Creator’s Opsec

How Did Satoshi Nakamoto Remain Anonymous? A Detailed Look at the Bitcoin Creator’s OpsecThe creator of the world’s first successful blockchain network has been an enigma ever since the mysterious inventor released the white paper over 12 years ago. Interestingly, Satoshi Nakamoto worked on the Bitcoin project publicly for 25 months and 13 days, all while being able to remain completely anonymous. What the Public Knows About Satoshi […]

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