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Missing crypto millionaire found dismembered in suitcase: Report

Fernando Pérez Algaba reportedly ran a crypto trading business in Argentina and is suspected to have been murdered by a professional outfit.

A missing cryptocurrency millionaire and Instagram influencer based in Argentina has turned up dead, with police suspecting murder after he was found dismembered in a suitcase.

According to several local media reports, crypto trader and influencer Fernando Pérez Algaba was reported missing on July 18 when he failed to return the keys to a rented apartment and answer his phone.

His remains were found less than a week later on July 23 by a group of children in the town of Ingeniero Budge, a province of the Argentinian capital.

One of the last images Algaba posted on his social media accounts. Source: Instagram

The suitcase contained amputated legs and forearms, authorities discovered a torso on July 24 after draining the stream where the suitcase was found. A head was found in a backpack a day later on July 25.

Analysis of fingerprints and tattoos identified the body as the missing millionaire and an autopsy suggested he was shot three times before he was dismembered.

The suitcase that was found reportedly containing body parts. Source: Clarín

Investigators have reportedly suggested it may be the work of a professional outfit and believe the motive behind Algaba's murder was possibly debt-related. One possible suspect has already been arrested in connection to the case.

Algaba is said to have been a crypto trader in Buenos Aires where he operated an office that employed 25 other traders.

Related: Missing ‘Bitcoin Millionaire’ and ONFO coin co-creator found dead: Report

He had also amassed a sizeable Instagram following in his time, with over 917,000 followers. Most of the content revolves around luxury cars and his beloved dog.

It was reported that Algaba had a 900,000 Argentine pesos ($3,300) debt in bounced checks, 1.2 million Argentine pesos ($4,400) owed to banks and another debt of $70,000 again related to a bounced check.

In late 2022 a spate of mysterious and sudden deaths of crypto billionaires caused wild theories in the community.

Between October and December 2022, MakerDAO co-founder Nikolai Mushegian, crypto broker Javier Biosca, Amber Group co-founder Tiantian Kullander Russian crypto billionaire Vyacheslav Taran and major Bithumb shareholder Park Mo all suffered seemingly untimely deaths.

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