A Kenyan regulator, the Capital Markets Authority (CMA), has cautioned investors and Kenyan citizens against investing with Fxbitinvest, a bitcoin trading company. The warning was issued after the regulator noted Fxbitinvest’s use of exaggerated return-on-investment promises to lure unsuspecting Kenyans. Unrealistic Promises According to a CMA statement issued on August 12, Fxbitinvest is offering prospective […]
According to a new report published by the Capital Markets Authority (CMA) of Kenya, the country’s regulatory sandbox has now received 24 applications, queries, and proposals since March 2019. From this total, only seven firms have been admitted into the sandbox, and “a few more (are now) in the final stages of review.” However, just […]
Kenya’s Capital Markets Authority (CMA) says the country needs a more encompassing approach that enables it to leverage other regulators’ expertise when testing crypto assets. Kenyan Crypto Interest Also, the Kenyan body, which favours a joint financial sector regulatory sandbox, says it is keen to forge “a common stance and joint-messaging with the Central Bank […]