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Carl Icahn crypto

Billionaire Carl Icahn Predicts a Recession or Worse — Says ‘There’s No Accountability in Corporate America’

Billionaire Carl Icahn Predicts a Recession or Worse — Says ‘There’s No Accountability in Corporate America’Billionaire Carl Icahn, the founder of Icahn Enterprises, has predicted that the U.S. economy could be heading into “a recession or even worse.” The famous investor warned of “a lot of trouble ahead” and “a rough landing.” Billionaire Carl Icahn Predicts a Recession in the US Famous investor and billionaire Carl Icahn said Tuesday in […]

‘We have excess electricity’: Belarus president orders development of crypto mining

Billionaire Carl Icahn Mulls Over Diving Into Cryptocurrency in a ‘Big Way’ With About $1.5 Billion Investment

Billionaire Carl Icahn Mulls Over Diving Into Cryptocurrency in a ‘Big Way’ With About .5 Billion InvestmentBillionaire investor Carl Icahn, the founder of Icahn Enterprises, says that his company is exploring how to get involved in cryptocurrency “in a relatively big way,” which he said could be an investment of about $1.5 billion. Carl Icahn Exploring Getting Into Cryptocurrency Carl Icahn, the founder and controlling shareholder of Icahn Enterprises, a diversified […]

‘We have excess electricity’: Belarus president orders development of crypto mining