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chinas digital currency

Senators Introduce Bill to Limit Use of China’s Digital Currency in the US — ‘This Is a Major Financial and Surveillance Risk’

Senators Introduce Bill to Limit Use of China’s Digital Currency in the US — ‘This Is a Major Financial and Surveillance Risk’Several U.S. lawmakers have introduced a bill to prohibit app platforms in the country from hosting apps that enable transactions using China’s central bank digital currency, the digital yuan. “The Chinese Communist Party will use its digital currency to control and spy on anyone who uses it. We can’t give China that chance,” said the […]

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US Senator: China’s Digital Currency Could Subvert US Sanctions, Enhance Surveillance Capabilities

US Senator: China’s Digital Currency Could Subvert US Sanctions, Enhance Surveillance CapabilitiesA U.S. senator has warned about China’s central bank digital currency. “Analysts have raised the eCNY’s potential to subvert U.S. sanctions, facilitate illicit money flows, enhance China’s surveillance capabilities, and provide Beijing with ‘first mover’ advantages,” the senator informed Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen. U.S. Senator Warns About the Threat From China’s Central Bank Digital Currency […]

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US Senators Seek to Forbid American Athletes From Receiving and Using Digital Yuan During Beijing Olympics

US Senators Seek to Forbid American Athletes From Receiving and Using Digital Yuan During Beijing OlympicsThree U.S. senators have urged the United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee to forbid American athletes from receiving or using digital yuan during the Beijing Olympics. Raising many concerns, including privacy, they warned, “Olympic athletes should be aware that the digital yuan may be used to surveil Chinese citizens and those visiting China on an […]

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