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Following the Great UST Collapse, a Defi Project Plans to Launch a ‘Soft-Pegged Stablecoin’ Built on Terra

Following the Great UST Collapse, a Defi Project Plans to Launch a ‘Soft-Pegged Stablecoin’ Built on TerraFollowing the Terra stablecoin collapse last May, the Terra blockchain ecosystem has another stablecoin concept in the works called “Solid.” The stablecoin Solid and its white paper were revealed by a decentralized finance (defi) project, Capapult Finance, and the idea has been dubbed a “soft-pegged stablecoin” built on Terra. Terra Blockchain Ecosystem to See a […]

Altseason Canceled? How Trading Syndicates, Scams and Geopolitics Buried Hopes for Growth

Makerdao Dev Insists Defi Protocol Should Leverage Real World Assets to Scale

Makerdao Dev Insists Defi Protocol Should Leverage Real World Assets to ScaleOn March 16, the protocol engineer at Makerdao and co-founder of the software and design firm Bellwood Studios, Hexonaut, announced a proposal to use real world assets (RWAs) in order to scale the decentralized finance (defi) protocol Makerdao. Hexonaut insists the bull market was good, but “the time is passing” and he believes Makerdao needs […]

Altseason Canceled? How Trading Syndicates, Scams and Geopolitics Buried Hopes for Growth