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Cross Border CBDC Project Mbridge Enters MVP Stage

Cross Border CBDC Project Mbridge Enters MVP StageProject Mbridge, the cross-border central bank digital currency (CBDC) project that seeks to integrate several currencies into a global network, has reached its minimum viable product stage. This means that each one of the participant central banks has deployed a validating node in the network, that is ready to perform real-value transactions CBDC Project Mbridge […]

Ethereum Foundation Elevates Aya Miyaguchi to President Amid Leadership Restructuring

Leading Colombian Conglomerate Bancolombia Launches Crypto Exchange, Introduces Peso Stablecoin

Leading Colombian Conglomerate Bancolombia Launches Crypto Exchange, Introduces Peso StablecoinBancolombia Group, one of the leading banks in Latin America and the biggest bank in Colombia, is entering the crypto business with the launch of Wenia, a cryptocurrency exchange. Wenia seeks to disrupt Bitso’s and Binance’s dominance in the cryptocurrency exchange industry in Colombia, and offer a Colombian peso-pegged stablecoin as part of its asset […]

Ethereum Foundation Elevates Aya Miyaguchi to President Amid Leadership Restructuring

Solana Advances Congestion-Alleviating Central Scheduler Feature to Testnet

Solana Advances Congestion-Alleviating Central Scheduler Feature to TestnetAnza, a dev collective behind Solana, recommended the adoption of Agave v1.18.12 into the blockchain’s devnet and testnet. This new version of the mentioned client ships with a central scheduler that aims to reduce congestion by increasing fee collection and reducing conflicting transactions. Anza is calling for increased testing on this functionality. Anza Calls for […]

Ethereum Foundation Elevates Aya Miyaguchi to President Amid Leadership Restructuring

Ethereum Issuance Reduction Proposal Prompts Fierce Crypto Community Criticism

Ethereum Issuance Reduction Proposal Prompts Fierce Crypto Community CriticismDiscussions about adjusting Ethereum’s issuance curve due to staking concentration and other factors are taking place on social media, with some developers in favor and some against this change. A recent article by Mike Neuder, an Ethereum Foundation researcher, highlights that Ethereum issuance should “preserve the viability and proportion of solo stakers.” Ethereum Issuance Curve […]

Ethereum Foundation Elevates Aya Miyaguchi to President Amid Leadership Restructuring

Russia’s Interior Ministry Employs Tool to Identify Crypto Wallet Owners, Track Transactions

Russia’s Interior Ministry Employs Tool to Identify Crypto Wallet Owners, Track TransactionsThe Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs is now using a digital tool allowing officers to link cryptocurrency wallets to their owners. The software also has a feature facilitating the monitoring of crypto asset transactions, the department told Russian media. Russian Police Brag About New Crypto Tracing Tool on Eve of Anti-Corruption Day Employees of MVD, […]

Ethereum Foundation Elevates Aya Miyaguchi to President Amid Leadership Restructuring