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Dennis Jarvis

The Power of Loyalty Points and the Importance of Getting Them Right – Dennis Jarvis, CEO of Bitcoin.com

The Power of Loyalty Points and the Importance of Getting Them Right – Dennis Jarvis, CEO of Bitcoin.comProminent DeFi projects such as Uniswap, Curve, Aave, and MakerDAO declined in ETH terms since at least Q1 2021. Some see this as a fundamental failing of DeFi protocols to capture value and an inability to create moats. There are questions whether the composable and open nature of crypto prevents sufficient moats from being made […]

Sony Group acquires Amber Japan, officially steps into crypto exchange arena

Self-Custody Is More Than a Feature – Dennis Jarvis, CEO of Bitcoin.com

Self-Custody Is More Than a Feature – Dennis Jarvis, CEO of Bitcoin.comWhile markets are going up, people get more comfortable putting their cryptoassets into trusted third parties such as centralized exchanges and centralized lending platforms that promise increasingly enticing returns. The good times never last, though. As markets peak and monetary policy tightens, companies that overleveraged on the way up expose themselves to liquidity risks. If […]

Sony Group acquires Amber Japan, officially steps into crypto exchange arena

Crypto Industry Leader Bitcoin.com Secures $33.6 Million in VERSE Token Private Sale

Crypto Industry Leader Bitcoin.com Secures .6 Million in VERSE Token Private SaleOn Wednesday, the leading crypto industry firm, Bitcoin.com, announced it has concluded a private sale of its VERSE token and secured $33,600,000 from strategic investors. VERSE is meant to bolster Bitcoin.com’s growing infrastructure by providing a utility token that rewards users for contributing to the Bitcoin.com ecosystem. Bitcoin.com’s Private Token Sale Raises $33.6 Million This […]

Sony Group acquires Amber Japan, officially steps into crypto exchange arena