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Robinhood’s CEO, Elon Musk, and DOGE Co-Founder Billy Markus Discuss Improving Dogecoin

Robinhood’s CEO, Elon Musk, and DOGE Co-Founder Billy Markus Discuss Improving DogecoinOn Thursday, following Robinhood’s listing of shiba inu, the co-founder and CEO of Robinhood, Vladimir Tenev, spoke about dogecoin being the future currency of the internet on Twitter. Tenev’s Twitter thread got a lot of comments and also received responses from the co-founder of the meme-based crypto, Billy Markus, and Tesla’s Elon Musk. Robinhood CEO […]

Bitcoin To ‘Chop Altcoin Market Up’ in Consolidation Period, Says Analyst Benjamin Cowen – Here’s His Forecast