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Million-Dollar Digital Collectibles: An In-Depth Look at the Top 10 Most Expensive NFTs Sold This Year

Million-Dollar Digital Collectibles: An In-Depth Look at the Top 10 Most Expensive NFTs Sold This Year2021 is coming to an end and one prominent theme this year in the world of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology most definitely belongs to non-fungible token (NFT) assets. This year NFTs became a billion-dollar industry and many NFTs have sold for millions of dollars. The following is a look at the top ten NFTs, in […]

Record $3,800,000,000 Flows out of Institutional Crypto Products in One Week: CoinShares

Beeple’s Latest NFT ‘Human One’ Sells for $29M, Artist Plans to ‘Enhance the Displayed Artwork’ During His Lifetime

Beeple’s Latest NFT ‘Human One’ Sells for M, Artist Plans to ‘Enhance the Displayed Artwork’ During His LifetimeThis year the American artist Michael Winkelmann, otherwise known as Beeple, made history when he sold his non-fungible token (NFT) artwork “Everydays” for $69.3 million on March 11. Beeple’s latest NFT called “Human One” is a life-sized NFT sculpture that sold for $29 million, and the artist will update the NFT during the course of […]

Record $3,800,000,000 Flows out of Institutional Crypto Products in One Week: CoinShares