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Federal Bureau Investigation

FBI Public Service Announcement Warns of ‘Increased’ Crypto ATM, QR Code Fraud

FBI Public Service Announcement Warns of ‘Increased’ Crypto ATM, QR Code FraudThe Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), America’s domestic intelligence and security service, has published a public service announcement concerning fraudulent schemes associated with cryptocurrency ATMs and QR codes. The FBI’s warning, published on November 4, highlights the presence of “scammers” directing their energy at unknowing victims. US Federal Agency Warns of Increase in Crypto ‘Scammers’ […]

SEC, Fed Charge Silvergate for Misleading Investors, Failing to Monitor $1 Trillion in Transactions

FBI Seizes 800 Beverly Hills Safety Deposit Boxes With $86M, Attorneys Claim Fed’s Raid ‘Unconstitutional’

FBI Seizes 800 Beverly Hills Safety Deposit Boxes With M, Attorneys Claim Fed’s Raid ‘Unconstitutional’The Federal Bureau Investigation (FBI) is under fire for an alleged unconstitutional seizure of 800 safety deposit boxes in Beverly Hills. According to reports, the FBI confiscated $86 million in cash, jewelry, and thousands of gold and silver bars. Box holders and their lawyers are calling out the federal law enforcement agency for lacking sufficient […]

SEC, Fed Charge Silvergate for Misleading Investors, Failing to Monitor $1 Trillion in Transactions