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Market Strategist Predicts Gold Will Be the Top Performer in 2023 Over Cryptocurrencies and Equities

Market Strategist Predicts Gold Will Be the Top Performer in 2023 Over Cryptocurrencies and EquitiesGareth Soloway, president and chief market strategist at inthemoneystocks.com, predicts that gold will outperform cryptocurrencies and equity performances in 2023. In an interview published Thursday, Soloway emphasized his belief that “gold will be the best performer” this year and stated that the U.S. Federal Reserve will not cut rates until a “massively nasty recession” occurs. […]

Polkadot’s treasury has $245M with 2 years of runway

As the Stock Market Dives Report Shows ‘US Households Now Have Record High Exposure to Stocks’

While inflation has kicked up in the U.S., following the massive stimulus issued by the Federal Reserve, investor and financial writer Lyn Alden Schwartzer published a report that shows “U.S. households now have record high exposure to stocks.” The news comes at a time when many analysts and economists believe equities markets are in a […]

Polkadot’s treasury has $245M with 2 years of runway