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Financial Sovereignty

BRICS Unified Currency Deemed Premature by Russian Official

BRICS Unified Currency Deemed Premature by Russian OfficialRussia’s Deputy Foreign Minister has stated that discussions on a single currency for the BRICS economic bloc are premature due to differences in financial regulation among member nations. Instead, the focus remains on enhancing financial sovereignty and exploring national currencies for trade. Ryabkov highlighted ongoing efforts to strengthen the bloc’s economic independence, with authorities actively […]

Milei’s ‘Libragate’ scandal, explained: What’s behind the controversy?

BRICS Meeting Highlights Shift to Local Currencies

BRICS Meeting Highlights Shift to Local CurrenciesBRICS Ministers of Foreign Affairs have emphasized using local currencies in trade, reaffirming economic resilience and financial sovereignty. At their meeting on Monday, the Ministers underscored the importance of the enhanced use of local currencies in financial transactions between the BRICS countries. BRICS Ministers Push for Use of Local Currencies The BRICS Ministers of Foreign […]

Milei’s ‘Libragate’ scandal, explained: What’s behind the controversy?

Inflation Explained: What It Is and Why It Happens

Inflation Explained: What It Is and Why It HappensWhile many are familiar with inflation, which indicates a decline in currency purchasing power alongside a general rise in the cost of goods and services in an economy, there is a common misconception that inflation is natural. In reality, it is largely driven by an increased money supply, manipulation of interest rates, and quantitative easing […]

Milei’s ‘Libragate’ scandal, explained: What’s behind the controversy?

Btcpay Introduces New Coinjoin Plugin for Enhanced Bitcoin Privacy for Merchants

Btcpay Introduces New Coinjoin Plugin for Enhanced Bitcoin Privacy for MerchantsOn Monday, Wasabi Wallet and the open-source bitcoin payment processor Btcpay announced a new plugin for the Btcpay server. The plugin implements Wasabi’s Wabisabi coinjoin coordination protocol, allowing merchants to benefit from privacy enhancement. By activating the newly launched plugin, all the funds that merchants receive and send will be coinjoined, or mixed together with […]

Milei’s ‘Libragate’ scandal, explained: What’s behind the controversy?