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Metaplex Announces Introduction of Hybrid Defi Protocol for Solana

Metaplex Announces Introduction of Hybrid Defi Protocol for SolanaMetaplex, a Solana-based protocol that allows for the easy deployment of NFTs across applications, has introduced MPL-404, a hybrid decentralized finance standard. MPL-404 leans on SPL-404, a protocol that allows for the exchange of an NFT for a fixed number of tokens assigned by the designers of each artistic collection. Metaplex Aims to Extend Hybrid […]

Bitcoin’s price won’t ‘dramatically’ increase from here, says billionaire

Runes and BRC-20s are just a stepping stone for Bitcoin DeFi

Bitcoin is becoming a yield-generating asset, thanks to new token standards like Runes, which may only be a stepping stone for Bitcoin DeFi.

Bitcoin Runes and BRC-20 tokens may only be a stepping stone in the evolution of Bitcoin-native decentralized finance (DeFi).

The emergence of Runes and Bitcoin DeFi came from a desire to add more utility to the world’s safest blockchain network, according to Rich Rines, a Core DAO contributor building Bitcoin DeFi solutions. Rines told Cointelegraph:

Runes is a new protocol for issuing fungible tokens on the Bitcoin network that launched on April 20, the day of the Bitcoin halving. Runes are part of a wider developer movement known as Bitcoin DeFi, or BTCFi, aiming to add more utility to the Bitcoin network.

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Bitcoin’s price won’t ‘dramatically’ increase from here, says billionaire

Cashtokens Take Center Stage Following Bitcoin Cash Upgrade: Over 26,000 Tokens Created

Cashtokens Take Center Stage Following Bitcoin Cash Upgrade: Over 26,000 Tokens CreatedFollowing the recent Bitcoin Cash upgrade on Monday, data reveals that approximately 1,308 fungible tokens and 25,336 non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have emerged on the blockchain. Moreover, the Cashtokens token ecosystem is now accessible through the blockchain explorers 3xpl.com and salemkode.com, allowing users to explore its potential. Bitcoin Cash Upgrade Unleashes Token Frenzy and Infrastructure Support […]

Bitcoin’s price won’t ‘dramatically’ increase from here, says billionaire

BRC20 Token Standard Sparks Frenzy in Bitcoin Community With Market Cap Surpassing $95 Million

BRC20 Token Standard Sparks Frenzy in Bitcoin Community With Market Cap Surpassing  MillionAs of May 3, 2023, the Bitcoin blockchain has witnessed a staggering 3.35 million Ordinal inscriptions, and a new experimental token standard known as “Bitcoin Request for Comment,” or BRC20, has garnered substantial attention in the past week. With 10,487 BRC20 tokens built using Ordinals and a swelling market capitalization exceeding $95 million, this new […]

Bitcoin’s price won’t ‘dramatically’ increase from here, says billionaire