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Study: Gen Z Prefers Digital Assets in Uncertain Times; Gold Remains Popular

Study: Gen Z Prefers Digital Assets in Uncertain Times; Gold Remains PopularWhile investors generally prefer physical assets to digital ones, the findings of a new study indicate an overwhelming majority of Gen Zers are “more likely than other generations” to trust digital assets in uncertain times. The survey also found that 89% of gold investors consider it a long-term investment with nearly half of the respondents […]

Bitcoin ETFs log $420 million inflows as Bitcoin taps $66,000

$31,000,000,000,000 To Be Passed Down by 2033 in Great Wealth Transfer – But Millennials and Gen Z Will Have To Wait Longer To Benefit: Think Tank

,000,000,000,000 To Be Passed Down by 2033 in Great Wealth Transfer – But Millennials and Gen Z Will Have To Wait Longer To Benefit: Think Tank

A new report finds that Generation X is about to receive its cut of an unprecedented generational transfer of wealth. Gen X, or those born between the mid-1960s and the early 1980s, are set to inherit roughly $31 trillion in wealth from their predecessors by 2033, according to a report from people intelligence think tank […]

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Bitcoin ETFs log $420 million inflows as Bitcoin taps $66,000

$2,000,000,000,000 – $3,000,000,000,000 Wealth Transfer Happening This Year As ‘Largest Move of Assets in World History’ Approaches Climax: Report

,000,000,000,000 – ,000,000,000,000 Wealth Transfer Happening This Year As ‘Largest Move of Assets in World History’ Approaches Climax: Report

Big Four accounting firm Ernst & Young (EY) says the greatest transfer of wealth in human history is in motion, with trillions of dollars in assets passed down this year. In its Global Wealth Management Industry Report, EY estimates baby boomers will hand down up to $3 trillion in assets to their kin this year. EY […]

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Bitcoin ETFs log $420 million inflows as Bitcoin taps $66,000

$90,000,000,000,000 Transfer of Wealth To Gen Z and Millennials Is ‘Tempting Target’ for Governments Amid Soaring Debt: Report

,000,000,000,000 Transfer of Wealth To Gen Z and Millennials Is ‘Tempting Target’ for Governments Amid Soaring Debt: Report

A multi-trillion dollar transfer of wealth from baby boomers to their brethren has become a “tempting target” for taxation, according to a new report. The transfer, which is estimated to reach $90 trillion in the US alone, has sparked a new and urgent political debate on inheritance taxes, reports the Financial Times. “With even the […]

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Bitcoin ETFs log $420 million inflows as Bitcoin taps $66,000

A Fifth of Gen Z, Millennials Own Crypto; Over 60% Have Tried at Least One of Six Financial Hacks

A Fifth of Gen Z, Millennials Own Crypto; Over 60% Have Tried at Least One of Six Financial HacksApproximately a fifth of America’s Gen Z and Millennials own cryptocurrency but only 20% own real estate, the latest Policygenius 2024 Financial Planning Survey has found. The survey report asserts that Baby Boomers have “benefited greatly from housing wealth,” which now accounts for nearly half of their wealth. Boomers Least Interested in NFTs According to […]

Bitcoin ETFs log $420 million inflows as Bitcoin taps $66,000

The Great Wealth Transfer Could Inject up to $225,000,000,000 Into BTC and Other Crypto Assets: Mike Novogratz

The Great Wealth Transfer Could Inject up to 5,000,000,000 Into BTC and Other Crypto Assets: Mike Novogratz

Galaxy Digital CEO and founder Mike Novogratz believes that a transfer of wealth to the next generation could inject $225 billion into Bitcoin (BTC) and other cryptocurrencies. Novogratz tells his 461,900 followers on the social media platform X that he believes that millennials are more inclined to invest in digital assets than baby boomers. “This […]

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Bitcoin ETFs log $420 million inflows as Bitcoin taps $66,000

Nearly half of crypto copy traders are Gen Z, says Bitget report

Younger investors are more likely to take part in copy trading or social trading and take advice from social media influencers, according to the crypto exchange.

Generation Z crypto investors are more likely to engage in copy trading or social trading — an investment method that involves mirroring the trades of a selected other — according to a report from crypto exchange Bitget.

In an Aug. 3 report on copy trading by Bitget, the firm revealed that out of all of its copy traders, 44% of them were under 25 years of age. This was followed by 25 to 35-year-olds accounting for just under one-third.

The older generation, 35 to 55-year-olds made up of 17% of copy traders, while those over 55 made only 7% of the total.

Bitget’s copy trade user figures show Gen Z and millenials make up the bulk of users. Source: Bitget

Copy trading or social trading has been offered by exchanges in both traditional stocks and crypto. In the crypto space, it is currently offered by exchanges including eToro, Bybit and MEXC, among others.

Users can choose to use an automated tool that essentially copies positions opened and managed by a chosen individual.

Bitget suggested Gen Z's inclination to look to social media influencers for investment decisions could explain their affinity towards copy trading.

A January Forbes Advisor survey said around 80% of Gen Z and millennials took financial advice from social media. Half claimed to have made money from the advice received and YouTube, Reddit and TikTok were the most trusted platforms.

Crypto was found as the most popular investment for Gen Z in a May report from the CFA Institute and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) Foundation.

44% of United States Gen Z investors started with a crypto investment compared to 35% of millennials. 43% of British and 35% of Canadian Gen Z investors also said crypto was their first investment.

Related: Crypto trader weighs in on possible Bitcoin extinction scenarios

Bitget’s report claimed most of its copy-trading users — nearly a third — were Western European but nearly half hailed from either East or Southeast Asia, its next two largest geographic segments.

Bitget’s copy traders by region show Latin Americans were the fourth largest group. Source: Bitget

Despite making up 1% of Bitget’s global copy traders 62% of African users were interested in copy trading — the highest proportion of any region.

NFT Collector: On-chain music sounds off with latest raise, artistic duo Hackatao find their lane

Bitcoin ETFs log $420 million inflows as Bitcoin taps $66,000

Samsung Is Investing More Than $35 Million in Latam-Focused Metaverse Initiatives

Samsung Is Investing More Than  Million in Latam-Focused Metaverse InitiativesSamsung, the Korean electronics behemoth, has revealed it is currently investing more than $35 million dollars in metaverse initiatives for the Latam audience. The objective behind this move is to help the brand attract and connect with younger audiences, as part of its digital push and growth marketing strategy. Samsung’s Metaverse Push in Latam Many […]

Bitcoin ETFs log $420 million inflows as Bitcoin taps $66,000

Charles Schwab: Cryptocurrency Is a Top Method for Retirement Savings

Charles Schwab: Cryptocurrency Is a Top Method for Retirement SavingsA study published by financial giant Charles Schwab shows that cryptocurrency is a top method for retirement savings. “Gen Z and millennial workers are more likely to also invest in cryptocurrency, real estate, annuities, and small businesses, unlike older generations.” Crypto Investments in 401(k) Accounts Financial giant Charles Schwab published a report titled “401(k) Participant […]

Bitcoin ETFs log $420 million inflows as Bitcoin taps $66,000

Almost 50% of Gen Z and Millennials want crypto in retirement funds: Survey

Nearly half of Gen Z and Millennials are also already invested in digital assets outside of their retirement funds and cited “inflation” as the biggest obstacle to early retirement.

Nearly half of Gen Z and Millennials want to see crypto become a part of their 401(k) retirement plans, according to an October survey from United States asset manager Charles Schwab. 

Asking participants what they would like to see added to their 401(k) retirement products, the firm found that 46% of Gen Z and 45% of Millennials said they "wish" they could invest in cryptocurrencies as part of their retirement planning.

It shouldn't come as a surprise, as the survey also found that 43% of Gen Z and 47% of Millennials are investing in cryptocurrencies outside their 401(k) already, which could suggest the group's affinity for the asset class. 

The asset manager surveyed 1,100 401(k) retirement plan participants aged between 21 to 70 to complete the 10-minute survey conducted between Apr. 4 and Apr. 19, 2022.

Participants of the survey needed to have worked for a company with 25 or more employees and be current contributors to their company's 401(k) plans. 

Millennials generally refer to those born in the early 1980s to mid-1990s, with Gen Z generally born between the mid to late 1990s to the early 2010s. 

The results are in stark contrast to the surveyed Gen X and Boomers — those born anywhere between the mid-1940s to late 1970s — with just 31% and 11% respectively wanting to invest in cryptocurrencies through their 401(k), and even less being current investors in the asset class. 

Across the board, inflation was seen as the leading obstacle to retirement. 

A similar study by Investopedia in April found only 28% of United States-based Millennials and 17% of Gen Z’s surveyed expected to use cryptocurrency to support themselves in retirement, however. 

Related: Roth IRAs: The ideal long-term cryptocurrency investment?

The asset manager currently does not offer any cryptocurrency investments as part of its 401(k) retirement plans, though crypto-based retirement funds have been in the works since Feb. 2019.

In April, Fidelity Investment reportedly put plans together to open up Bitcoin investment for ts 401(k) retirement saving account holders, with savers allowed to allocate as much as 20% of Bitcoin (BTC) to their savings portfolio.

In Australia, Rest Super became the first retirement fund to offer cryptocurrency allocation as part of a diversified portfolio to its 1.9 million members in Nov. 2021.

While most digital asset retirement funds are offered in the form of Bitcoin or Ether (ETH), a North Virginian county speculated putting a proportion of retirees' pension funds into a decentralized finance (DeFi) yield farming account in May. 2022 — which was later approved in Aug. 2022.

But things can go wrong. A Quebec pension fund lost almost all of its $154.7 million which was heavily invested into the now-bankrupt cryptocurrency lending platform Celsius.

Controversies like this have left U.S. Senators divided on the seriousness of the risks involved with crypto-exposed 401(k) retirement plans.

Among those are Democrat Senators Elizabeth Warren, Dick Durbin, and Tina Smith, who’ve previously argued that it is a “bridge too far” to expose American’s “hard-earned” retirement funds to “cryptocurrency casinos.”

Bitcoin ETFs log $420 million inflows as Bitcoin taps $66,000