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Gold Deposits

Uganda Claims Exploration Surveys Discovered 31 Million Metric Tons of Gold

Uganda Claims Exploration Surveys Discovered 31 Million Metric Tons of GoldWhile gold is often considered a scarce asset, Uganda explained on Wednesday that recently conducted exploration surveys indicate that there’s roughly 31 million metric tons of gold ore waiting to be mined in the region. Moreover, a spokesperson from Uganda’s Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development said there’s an estimated 320,158 tonnes of refined gold […]

USDC and EURC Break New Ground as Dubai’s First Officially Recognized Stablecoins

Turkey Reveals Scheme That Encourages the Conversion of Gold Deposits Into Lira Time Deposits

Turkey Reveals Scheme That Encourages the Conversion of Gold Deposits Into Lira Time DepositsThe Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey recently revealed it made the decision to provide incentives to gold deposit and participation fund holders that request to convert these into lira time deposits, a statement from the central bank has said. Incentives Intended to Boost Financial Stability The Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey […]

USDC and EURC Break New Ground as Dubai’s First Officially Recognized Stablecoins