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halving date

Progress Toward Bitcoin’s Halving Is 60% Complete, Block Times Suggest Reduction Could Happen Next Year

Progress Toward Bitcoin’s Halving Is 60% Complete, Block Times Suggest Reduction Could Happen Next YearAccording to countdown statistics based on the average block generation time of around ten minutes, progress toward the next Bitcoin block reward halving has surpassed 60%. However, while most halving countdown clocks leverage the ten-minute average, the countdown leveraging the most current block intervals of around 7:65 minutes shows the halving could occur in 2023. […]

Robert Kiyosaki: Biggest Crash in History Is Here—’Millions Will Be Crushed’

Current Block Times Suggest Bitcoin’s Halving Is Coming Sooner Than Expected

Current Block Times Suggest Bitcoin’s Halving Is Coming Sooner Than ExpectedBitcoin’s hashrate has been running hot despite the lower prices and the recent difficulty increases. In fact, blocks are being discovered faster than the ten-minute block interval average and because of this factor, the network’s reward halving may come sooner than expected. While some halving counters that simply leverage the ten-minute average note the halving […]

Robert Kiyosaki: Biggest Crash in History Is Here—’Millions Will Be Crushed’