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Finance School Bentley University Now Accepts Cryptocurrency Payments for Tuition

Finance School Bentley University Now Accepts Cryptocurrency Payments for TuitionBentley University, the private university located in Waltham, Massachusetts, has revealed it now accepts digital currencies for tuition payments. Bentley University’s president explained that the school has been “at the forefront in preparing business leaders” and further remarked that the faculty is “proud to embrace” the same technology its students are learning about today. Bentley […]

Cyber Thieves Convert a Segment of Bybit Loot Into Bitcoin

Ethiopia Links up With Cardano Creator to Launch the Country’s Biggest Blockchain Deployment Yet

Ethiopia Links up With Cardano Creator to Launch the Country’s Biggest Blockchain Deployment YetReports from Ethiopia say the government has enlisted the services of software company IOHK in its bid to launch the country’s biggest blockchain deployment to date. As part of the agreement, the Cardano protocol creator will be tasked with the job of creating a blockchain-based national student and teacher identification system. High Praise for the […]

Cyber Thieves Convert a Segment of Bybit Loot Into Bitcoin