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Happy Hippos NFTs: A Pioneer Collection Drop

Happy Hippos NFTs: A Pioneer Collection DropNon-fungible tokens (NFTs) are a unique data unit contained within a digital ledger and cannot be interchanged. They are used as a representation of items that can be reproduced easily like artwork, images, videos, and audio files, among other digital files. NFTs are unique in their own way, using the blockchain technology in building a […]

The Restaking Renaissance – How Curators Could Revive the Ecosystem

Infinity8.io and Sacha Jafri Make NFT History at amFAR 2021

Infinity8.io and Sacha Jafri Make NFT History at amFAR 2021As cameras flashed at tonight’s 27th amFAR gala at the Cannes film festival in the south of France, one-star continued to shine, the world’s second highest-selling living artist, Sacha Jafri. The lavish gala celebrated its 27th edition with host Sharon Stone as Alicia Keys gave a dazzling performance in a continued effort to raise money […]

The Restaking Renaissance – How Curators Could Revive the Ecosystem