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Ethereum Foundation to have conflict of interest policy after EigenLayer crossovers

Executive director Aya Miyaguchi said the foundation’s neutrality can’t depend on culture and individual judgment after researchers take multimillion-dollar roles at EigenLayer.

The Ethereum Foundation will institute a policy on conflicts of interest, executive director Aya Miyaguchi said on May 24. The announcement came in response to controversy in the crypto community over connections between the foundation and EigenLayer developers.

Two Ethereum researchers joined the ranks of paid advisers at the EigenFoundation in the week preceding Miyaguchi’s announcement. Justin Drake announced his appointment at EigenFoundation on May 19 in a lengthy X post. He said he would receive incentives from EigenFoundation worth “millions of dollars” but would reinject the money in the Ethereum ecosystem. Dankrad Feist made a similar long announcement the following day. Feist acknowledged receiving “a significant amount of tokens,” adding:

Both researchers said they were taking the posts personally and not as representatives of the Ethereum Foundation. Drake promised “to continue to lean critical of EigenLayer,” and Feist said he would “take contrarian views.” Reaction to the researchers’ moves was mixed. ZkSecurity co-founder David Wong tweeted on X about Drake:

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North Korea’s Lazarus Group Exploited Defi Protocol Alex Lab for $4.3 Million, Probe Reveals

Ethereum dev’s paid EigenLayer role sparks debate on ‘conflicted incentives’

Ethereum researcher Justin Drake said his EigenLayer role is worth “millions of dollars” and some think it could shake up incentives for those working on the blockchain.

An Ethereum Foundation researcher’s decision to take a paid adviser role for the foundation behind EigenLayer has sparked criticism on social media, with one commentator suggesting it could create “conflicted incentives.”

In a lengthy May 19 X post, Ethereum researcher Justin Drake disclosed he had taken an adviser role at EigenFoundation that “comes with a significant EIGEN token incentive” vested over three years worth “millions of dollars” and “more than the combined value of all my other assets.”

EigenLayer is a protocol that partially launched on mainnet last month and allows users to stake liquid staked Ether (ETH) tokens — which are derivative tokens for ETH staked in a protocol such as Lido — effectively allowing ETH to be staked twice.

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North Korea’s Lazarus Group Exploited Defi Protocol Alex Lab for $4.3 Million, Probe Reveals

The Future of Ethereum in a Meme: Ultrasound Money

The Future of Ethereum in a Meme: Ultrasound MoneyThe “ultrasound money” meme has been running in Ethereum based circles for some time, gaining momentum as the asset rises and rises in value during this bull market. While it is considered a joke by many, like a myriad of memes, it hides a very complex array of factors that contribute to Ethereum’s newfound status. […]

North Korea’s Lazarus Group Exploited Defi Protocol Alex Lab for $4.3 Million, Probe Reveals