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Kotani Pay

Kenyan Fintech Player: ‘Banking the Unbanked’ Is the Most Important Use Case for Digital Currencies in Africa

Kenyan Fintech Player: ‘Banking the Unbanked’ Is the Most Important Use Case for Digital Currencies in AfricaThe year 2020 may well go down as the year when blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies, in particular, gained mainstream recognition. The restrictions on movement, as well as the widespread fear of catching a virus, forced many to look for alternative ways of making payments or sending remittances. This search for an alternative inevitably led many […]

Crypto ATMs Vanishing From the US As Democrat Senator Dick Durbin Introduces Legislation To Regulate Technology

Kenyan Fintech Startup to Use Stablecoins to Transfer Universal Basic Income Payments to African Refugees

Kenyan Fintech Startup to Use Stablecoins to Transfer Universal Basic Income Payments to African RefugeesKotani Pay, a Kenya based digital currency on and off-ramp service provider, has entered into an agreement wherein it will enable the transfer of universal basic income (UBI) payments to African refugees. Working in conjunction with the Refugee Integration Organisation (RIO) and Impact Market, the fintech start-up, which uses the Celo blockchain, will use its […]

Crypto ATMs Vanishing From the US As Democrat Senator Dick Durbin Introduces Legislation To Regulate Technology