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Following APT’s 400% Rise Since Late December, Aptos Drops 20% From All-Time High 

Following APT’s 400% Rise Since Late December, Aptos Drops 20% From All-Time High On Jan. 26, 2023, the cryptocurrency asset aptos (APT) reached an all-time high and then lost 20% of its value over the next five days. In the past 24 hours, it also shed 8.3% against the U.S. dollar. Despite the decline from its all-time high, APT is still up 349% compared to last month’s exchange […]

El Salvador resumes Bitcoin purchase after one-week pause, adding $661,000 in BTC

BTC Wraps up 13 Consecutive Years of Recorded Market Value, With No Santa Rally in 2022

BTC Wraps up 13 Consecutive Years of Recorded Market Value, With No Santa Rally in 2022By the end of this year bitcoin will have 13 consecutive years of recorded market value under its belt. Seven of those years saw Santa rallies all the way up until New Year’s Eve, and five of the 13 years saw bearish returns from Dec. 1 to Dec. 31. There’s still six more days left […]

El Salvador resumes Bitcoin purchase after one-week pause, adding $661,000 in BTC