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Selling Lord Kek Dust — 2016 Rare Pepe NFTs See Fresh Demand Going for Thousands on Opensea

Selling Lord Kek Dust — 2016 Rare Pepe NFTs See Fresh Demand Going for Thousands on OpenseaDuring the first half of the year, non-fungible token (NFT) sales surged to $2.5 billion in 2021, and trade volume shows the trend hasn’t slowed down. For instance, July saw a record $363 million spent on approximately 157,801 NFT sales. Meanwhile, as new NFTs enter the space every day, older Rare Pepe NFTs from 2016 […]

California Government Shuts Down 26 Different Crypto Scam Websites, Uncovering $4,600,000 in Consumer Losses

Nilicoins, Rare Pepe and Curio Cards- A Look at the OG Collectibles That Started the NFT Madness

Nilicoins, Rare Pepe and Curio Cards- A Look at the OG Collectibles That Started the NFT MadnessDuring the last few months, the non-fungible token (NFT) scene has exploded with lots of celebrities jumping on the bandwagon, high grossing auctions, and even some controversy on the side. A lot of people don’t realize how old NFT collectibles are, as years ago developers and artists created NFTs like Nilicoins (artcoins), Rare Pepe trading […]

California Government Shuts Down 26 Different Crypto Scam Websites, Uncovering $4,600,000 in Consumer Losses