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‘No Middle Class Left,’ ‘Millions Will Be Wiped Out’ — Two Market Crash Predictions, Gas Cartels, and Whales Moving Mt Gox Coins: Bitcoin.com News Week in Review

‘No Middle Class Left,’ ‘Millions Will Be Wiped Out’ — Two Market Crash Predictions, Gas Cartels, and Whales Moving Mt Gox Coins: Bitcoin.com News Week in ReviewIn this week’s Bitcoin.com News Week in Review, one market strategist issues a dire warning about the U.S. economy and a large market crash that could cause a “50 to 60 percent haircut” in stocks. Further, the Russian government is reportedly making moves to create a global gas cartel with Iran. These stories, as well […]

Bitcoin miners languish amid crypto market rout — JPMorgan

Former Employees From Major South Korean Firms Quit Their Jobs After Pocketing Millions in Crypto Profits

Former Employees From Major South Korean Firms Quit Their Jobs After Pocketing Millions in Crypto ProfitsSouth Korea’s crypto-sphere has been witnessing a volatile environment in terms of regulatory moves, as bitcoin prices and other altcoins are also having wild moves. Such a scenario hasn’t stopped the country’s middle class to profit from the crypto market, even with very successful stories. One of the Interviewees Risked His Life Savings in Cryptos […]

Bitcoin miners languish amid crypto market rout — JPMorgan