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US Lawmakers Float the Idea of Minting a Trillion-Dollar Platinum Coin to Avoid Sovereign Debt Crisis

US Lawmakers Float the Idea of Minting a Trillion-Dollar Platinum Coin to Avoid Sovereign Debt CrisisAmerican politicians have been clamoring about the U.S. facing a significant debt crisis and the debt ceiling putting the country at risk of default. Joe Biden spoke about the debt ceiling and told Republicans to “just get out of the way” when it comes to the decision. Meanwhile, a number of U.S. bureaucrats are floating […]

US Regulator Eases Crypto Rules—1,200 Banks Cleared to Engage

AOC, Pressley, Tlaib ‘Urge’ Biden to Replace Fed Chair With Someone Willing to Address ‘Climate Change’

AOC, Pressley, Tlaib ‘Urge’ Biden to Replace Fed Chair With Someone Willing to Address ‘Climate Change’All the recent money creation from the Federal Reserve wasn’t enough, according to a few American bureaucrats, as three politicians from the House Financial Services Committee are urging U.S. president Biden to replace Fed chairman Jerome Powell with someone who will address “climate risk.” AOC, Tlaib, Pressley: ‘Climate Change Is a Warning of the Potential […]

US Regulator Eases Crypto Rules—1,200 Banks Cleared to Engage