Paraguayan mining companies are taking a hit to their profitability due to the steep power fee hikes the government has established for cryptocurrency mining activities. According to reports from Braiins Mining business developer Nano Grijalba, after the veto of the crypto law, the change in power fees makes mining hosting an unprofitable business in Paraguay. […]
The growth of illegal bitcoin mining operations could affect the stability of the power system in Paraguay, according to statements from the National Power Administration. The boom the country is experiencing is taking its toll on the power system, with many miners plugging in illegally and consuming high amounts of power without making payments. Paraguay […]
The Paraguayan Senate has decided to reject the total veto that President Mario Abdo exerted over a proposed cryptocurrency bill on September 2. The Senate defended the initiative, stating that passing the bill would benefit the country due to its effect on tracking the energy consumption of crypto miners and the income that mining taxes […]