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Declining Interest Leads to Poor Market Performance for Ethereum Proof-of-Work Forks

Declining Interest Leads to Poor Market Performance for Ethereum Proof-of-Work ForksAfter transitioning from proof-of-work (PoW) to proof-of-stake (PoS), the Ethereum community saw the launch of two new PoW Ethereum forks: ethereumpow and ethereumfair. In the past four months, the value of both coins has dropped by 94.8% to 98.4% in U.S. dollars. PoW Ethereum Forks Ethereumpow and Ethereumfair Suffer Significant Value Loss After Launch Since […]

Samson Mow Breaks Down Reality of Trump’s Crypto Reserve: Altcoin Free-for-All Incoming?

Ethereum’s Merge Gave Birth to 2 Forks — Newly Launched Ethereumfair Gathers USD Value and Hashpower

Ethereum’s Merge Gave Birth to 2 Forks — Newly Launched Ethereumfair Gathers USD Value and HashpowerFollowing Ethereum’s Merge, a number of cryptocurrency community members have been discussing the proof-of-work (PoW) fork called ETHW as it dropped significantly in value during the past few days. However, a lot of people are unaware that there’s another Ethereum-based PoW fork called ethereumfair (ETF), and ETF has gathered a small amount of hashrate and […]

Samson Mow Breaks Down Reality of Trump’s Crypto Reserve: Altcoin Free-for-All Incoming?

World’s Largest Ethereum Mining Pool to Drop Ether PoW Mining, Ethermine Starts Merge Countdown

World’s Largest Ethereum Mining Pool to Drop Ether PoW Mining, Ethermine Starts Merge CountdownThe world’s largest ethereum mining pool, Ethermine, has announced the organization plans to drop proof-of-work (PoW) ethereum mining entirely. Ethermine says that the platform’s miner dashboard will display a countdown and users can continue to mine ether until the countdown reaches zero. Largest Ether Mining Pool to End PoW Ethereum Mining — Ethermine Ethereum Mining […]

Samson Mow Breaks Down Reality of Trump’s Crypto Reserve: Altcoin Free-for-All Incoming?