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Stablecoin Trading Dominates Monday’s Crypto Market, Tether and BUSD Sell at Premiums

Stablecoin Trading Dominates Monday’s Crypto Market, Tether and BUSD Sell at PremiumsOn Monday, the crypto economy experienced significant market activity with $183.85 billion in global trade volume over 24 hours, with a large portion of those trades involving stablecoins. USDC traded near parity with the U.S. dollar, and several stablecoins, including tether and BUSD, sold at premiums. Tether reached a high of $1.04 per unit and […]

Zimbabwe Devalues Gold-Backed Currency by 44%

Study Reveals South Korea’s ‘Kimchi Premium’ Strongly Linked to International Remittances to China

Study Reveals South Korea’s ‘Kimchi Premium’ Strongly Linked to International Remittances to ChinaA newly-released study published in December 2022 reveals that South Korea’s “kimchi premium,” the divergence in cryptocurrency valuations on Korean exchanges compared to Western trading platforms, is strongly associated with a surge in international remittances to China. Examination of Overseas Remittances to China Uncovers Strong Correlation with South Korea’s ‘Kimchi Premium’ According to a study […]

Zimbabwe Devalues Gold-Backed Currency by 44%

Data From October Shows Gold Reserves Held by Central Banks Tapped the Highest Level in 47 Years

Data From October Shows Gold Reserves Held by Central Banks Tapped the Highest Level in 47 YearsFollowing the World Gold Council’s (WGC) third-quarter report that shows central banks purchased a record amount of gold, data released by the WGC shows that central banks are buying more gold during 2022’s fourth quarter. Statistics show that the gold held by the world’s central banks is at the highest level since 1974. Central Banks […]

Zimbabwe Devalues Gold-Backed Currency by 44%

Central Bank Gold Buys This Year Reach an All-Time Quarterly High in Q3, 400 Tons Purchased Is the ‘Most on Record’

Central Bank Gold Buys This Year Reach an All-Time Quarterly High in Q3, 400 Tons Purchased Is the ‘Most on Record’According to the World Gold Council’s (WGC) latest quarterly report, worldwide gold demand, excluding over-the-counter (OTC) markets, was 28% higher year-over-year. While demand jumped higher than last year in the third quarter, central bank gold buying tapped an all-time quarterly record in Q3 2022. The quarterly report indicates that the world’s central banks purchased close […]

Zimbabwe Devalues Gold-Backed Currency by 44%

Tokenized Gold Market Caps Grew Significantly Last Month as Fresh Demand Drives Premiums

Tokenized Gold Market Caps Grew Significantly Last Month as Fresh Demand Drives PremiumsWhile gold tapped an all-time high (ATH) this year surpassing $2K per ounce, the top tokenized gold crypto assets by market valuation continue to see significant demand, premiums, and market capitalization growth. For instance, Paxos Trust Company’s PAXG market cap jumped more than 43% in 31 days from $424 million to today’s $611 million. PAXG […]

Zimbabwe Devalues Gold-Backed Currency by 44%

Data Shows Ruble-Denominated BTC Volume Rising, BTC-RUB Prices Jump as High as $46K

Data Shows Ruble-Denominated BTC Volume Rising, BTC-RUB Prices Jump as High as KAmid the conflict in Ukraine with Russia, bitcoin trade volumes tied to Russian ruble pairs have surged in recent days. Metrics recorded by the crypto analytics provider Kaiko indicate that ruble (RUB)-denominated bitcoin volume reached close to 1.5 billion rubles four days ago, on February 24. Data also shows that bitcoin-ruble pairs saw a significant […]

Zimbabwe Devalues Gold-Backed Currency by 44%

Bitcoin, Tether, Ethereum Trade for Premiums in Ukraine, Hryvnia BTC Price $3K Higher Than Global Average

Bitcoin, Tether, Ethereum Trade for Premiums in Ukraine, Hryvnia BTC Price K Higher Than Global AverageAfter Ukraine’s central bank imposed a limit on cash withdrawals, Kuna, a cryptocurrency exchange that provides trades in ruble and hryvnia saw a notable surge in volume. Moreover, to this day, crypto-assets being swapped on Kuna such as bitcoin, tether, and ethereum are trading for a significant premium. Crypto in Ukraine Sees Premiums The ongoing […]

Zimbabwe Devalues Gold-Backed Currency by 44%

Demand for Gold-Backed Tokens Brings Premiums as Precious Metal’s Value Jumps Higher

Demand for Gold-Backed Tokens Brings Premiums as Precious Metal’s Value Jumps HigherWhile stocks and cryptocurrency markets have floundered during the last week, the price of the precious metal gold has increased in value by 3.85% during the last seven days. An ounce of fine gold jumped from $1,826.92 on February 10, to $1,897.36 per ounce on February 19. Additionally, the top gold-backed crypto coins today have […]

Zimbabwe Devalues Gold-Backed Currency by 44%

South Korea’s ‘Kimchi Premium’ Returns, BTC Prices Up 8% Higher Than Global Average

South Korea’s ‘Kimchi Premium’ Returns, BTC Prices Up 8% Higher Than Global AverageAs cryptocurrency regulation heats up worldwide, South Korean officials have been increasing regulatory discussions concerning the swelling crypto economy. While digital currency markets like bitcoin have tumbled in value in recent times, global crypto market prices have increased across the board on Monday. In South Korea, crypto-assets like bitcoin are once again experiencing a ‘kimchi […]

Zimbabwe Devalues Gold-Backed Currency by 44%