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Solana Developers Deploy Fixes to Mainnet to Address Network Congestion

Solana Developers Deploy Fixes to Mainnet to Address Network CongestionSolana developers have successfully pushed a series of fixes to address network congestion issues. On April 15, Solana urged validators to update to v1.17.31, a version that changes how certain validators are treated depending on their stake. Further fixes will be shipped in the coming weeks, including a new scheduler that will be disabled by […]

Armstrong Predicts Bitcoin Surge, XRP Traders Brace for Action, and More — Week in Review

Solana Developers Rush to Address Network Congestion; Operativity Remains Impaired

Solana Developers Rush to Address Network Congestion; Operativity Remains ImpairedAnza, a collective of Solana-focused developers, has announced the measures it is taking to mitigate the congestion issues the network has been facing. Anza stated that it has made significant progress in tackling these problems and hopes to release patches next week. Currently, 70% of users’ transactions in Solana are failing. Solana Dev Collective Anza […]

Armstrong Predicts Bitcoin Surge, XRP Traders Brace for Action, and More — Week in Review