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Refinable Authenticates Fine Jewelry Sale on Sotheby’s

Refinable Authenticates Fine Jewelry Sale on Sotheby’sPRESS RELEASE. HONG KONG – 10th October 2021 – Refinable, a leading decentralized NFT marketplace, is taking a step forward in realizing advanced use cases for NFT applications. In a keystone partnership with high-end jewelry maker NALAS, and the support of Sotheby’s, Refinable will be the first marketplace to provide item authentication with NFTs for […]

Legal Expert Jeremy Hogan Says SEC Case Against Ripple Likely To Be Resolved in May – Here’s Why

Refinable Lists on AscendEX

Refinable Lists on AscendEXPRESS RELEASE. AscendEX, a global digital asset trading platform, is thrilled to announce the listing of the Refinable token (FINE) under the pair USDT/FINE on Sept. 28 at 1 p.m. UTC. Refinable is an interactive, multi-chain capable NFT marketplace with a one-stop solution to create, discover, trade, and leverage NFTs for brands and creators. Refinable […]

Legal Expert Jeremy Hogan Says SEC Case Against Ripple Likely To Be Resolved in May – Here’s Why

Refinable Launches Gaming Initiative to Support NFT and Play-to-Earn Movement

Refinable Launches Gaming Initiative to Support NFT and Play-to-Earn MovementRefinable, a leading NFT marketplace, today announced the Refinable Gaming Initiative, an industry-specific program aimed at deepening its collaboration with the gaming developer community, supporting NFT communities with a community push to Play-To-Earn (P2E) initiatives within NFT gaming. Refinable’s decision reflects the incredible momentum in its marketplace as it relates to gaming NFTs. The company’s […]

Legal Expert Jeremy Hogan Says SEC Case Against Ripple Likely To Be Resolved in May – Here’s Why