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Russian ‘Time Capsule’ to Facilitate Inheritance of Crypto Assets

Russian ‘Time Capsule’ to Facilitate Inheritance of Crypto AssetsResearchers in Moscow are developing a new service that will allow users to transfer digital data to their heirs, including crypto keys. The Russian “time capsule” will be capable of storing and relaying other private information as well such as a record of the whereabouts of valuable items. Russian Universities to Provide Service Allowing Crypto […]

Sentient closes $85M seed round for open-source AI

Cybersecurity Firm Spots a Crypto Stealer Distributed Through a Massive Email Spam Campaign and Discord Channels

Cybersecurity Firm Spots a Crypto Stealer Distributed Through a Massive Email Spam Campaign and Discord ChannelsA crypto stealer seems to have spread through a massive spam campaign across several countries, including the United States, Australia, Japan, and Germany. The malware dubbed “Panda Stealer” has been spotted by a cybersecurity company. It is reportedly also distributed on Discord channels. Malware Can Also Steal Data From Telegram and Discord Apps According to […]

Sentient closes $85M seed round for open-source AI

Researchers Spot New Cryptocurrency Stealing Malware Advertised Under a Subscription Model

Researchers Spot New Cryptocurrency Stealing Malware Advertised Under a Subscription ModelA cryptocurrency-related malware program has been advertised on darknet forums as the “leading way to make money in 2021,” raising alarms among the cybersecurity community. Palo Alto Networks published a report on the malicious app Westeal, detailing the author’s ties with other types of malware that steals major streaming services accounts. Westeal Claims to Be […]

Sentient closes $85M seed round for open-source AI