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Survey Shows 34.6% of Young Investors in Brazil Hold Cryptocurrency in Their Portfolios

Survey Shows 34.6% of Young Investors in Brazil Hold Cryptocurrency in Their PortfoliosA survey conducted by Rico, an investment platform in Brazil, revealed young investors’ preference for cryptocurrency as an investment tool. According to the results, 34.6% of all investors aged 24 to 35 held crypto in their portfolios, making it the fourth most popular investment behind savings, fixed-income products, and stocks. Young Investors in Brazil Have […]

Bitcoin no longer ‘safe haven’ as $82K BTC price dive leaves gold on top

Brazil-Based Neobank Nubank to Launch Own Cryptocurrency as Part of Loyalty Program

Brazil-Based Neobank Nubank to Launch Own Cryptocurrency as Part of Loyalty ProgramNubank, one of the largest digital banks in the world, has announced it will issue its own cryptocurrency during the first half of 2023. The currency, called Nucoin, will be issued on top of Ethereum with the help of Polygon, a second layer that allows users and developers to take advantage of lower fees, and […]

Bitcoin no longer ‘safe haven’ as $82K BTC price dive leaves gold on top

Digital Neobank Nubank Reaches 70 Million Customers in Latam; Almost 2 Million Have Purchased Crypto

Digital Neobank Nubank Reaches 70 Million Customers in Latam; Almost 2 Million Have Purchased CryptoNubank, a Brazil-based digital bank, has announced a new milestone in its operations. The company announced that it has reached 70 million customers in Latam, making it one of the biggest financial institutions of its kind in Brazil. The company also announced that almost 2 million of its customers are cryptocurrency investors. Nubank Reaches 70 […]

Bitcoin no longer ‘safe haven’ as $82K BTC price dive leaves gold on top

Brazilian Brokerage Platform Rico to Offer Cryptocurrency Services Next Year

Brazilian Brokerage Platform Rico to Offer Cryptocurrency Services Next YearRico, a Brazilian brokerage platform part of XP Inc., has announced it plans to enter the cryptocurrency market next year. The division is expanding its operations and will also enter the banking sector, launching digital account services and a credit card. The platform follows in the steps of companies like Nubank and others that have […]

Bitcoin no longer ‘safe haven’ as $82K BTC price dive leaves gold on top