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Digital Yuan to Promote International Use of Chinese Currency, Experts Say

Digital Yuan to Promote International Use of Chinese Currency, Experts SayThe new digital yuan, currently undergoing trials, can help to increase the international usage of China’s national fiat, experts have stated. As the renminbi (RMB, CNY) is becoming one of the world’s most important currencies, the People’s Bank of China is planning to conduct cross-border tests with the yuan’s digitized version, the e-CNY. Digital Yuan […]

Despite Bitcoin’s 10% Drop, Over $20M in Old Coins Find New Homes

Bitcoin Mining Operations Btc.top and Hashcow Cease Offering Services in China

Bitcoin Mining Operations Btc.top and Hashcow Cease Offering Services in ChinaFollowing some stern warnings from a few major trade associations and regulators in China, two prominent exchanges, Huobi and Okex, have stopped offering services to Chinese residents. After the two exchanges halted specific services to residents of mainland China, two bitcoin mining operations have also abandoned the country on Monday. Btc.top and Hashcow have suspended […]

Despite Bitcoin’s 10% Drop, Over $20M in Old Coins Find New Homes

Amid Stern Warnings from China Crypto Firms Huobi and Okex Halt a Few Services

Amid Stern Warnings from China Crypto Firms Huobi and Okex Halt a Few ServicesOn Friday, the cryptocurrency community discussed a report stemming from China’s 51st meeting of the Central Financial and Economic Affairs Commission that reiterated warnings about bitcoin mining. The following Sunday, reports disclosed the cryptocurrency operation Huobi has suspended its cloud-mining operations and other crypto services to customers in mainland China. Rumors of China and Bitcoin’s […]

Despite Bitcoin’s 10% Drop, Over $20M in Old Coins Find New Homes