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Roman Semenov

NY Judge Denies Tornado Cash Developer’s Motion to Dismiss, Trial Set for December

NY Judge Denies Tornado Cash Developer’s Motion to Dismiss, Trial Set for DecemberRoman Storm, a software developer of Tornado Cash, is headed to trial after a New York judge ruled against his motion to dismiss criminal charges. District Judge Katherine Polk Failla rejected Storm’s request to drop charges tied to money laundering and sanctions violations. Russian co-defendant Roman Semenov remains elusive and on the run, evading capture […]

Kraken repeats as multi-award winner at the Customer Centricity World Series

Does Money Transmitting Require Control? DOJ Says No in Tornado Cash Litigation

Does Money Transmitting Require Control? DOJ Says No in Tornado Cash LitigationSince the Department of Justice (DOJ) filed its legal opposition to the pretrial motions of Tornado Cash developers Roman Storm and Roman Semenov, there has been a buzz within the cryptocurrency community regarding specific aspects of the court filing. A key point raised by the prosecutors is their belief that the definition of “money transmitting” […]

Kraken repeats as multi-award winner at the Customer Centricity World Series

DOJ Counters Motion to Dismiss Charges Against Tornado Cash Developer

DOJ Counters Motion to Dismiss Charges Against Tornado Cash DeveloperIn a notable development, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) has countered a motion to dismiss the criminal charges against Roman Semenov, a developer of the cryptocurrency mixing service Tornado Cash, highlighting the alleged strength of its case in a recent court submission. Prosecutors Assert Strong Evidence Is Coming in Tornado Cash Laundering Case The […]

Kraken repeats as multi-award winner at the Customer Centricity World Series