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Ruth Foxe Blader

Report: Well Known Crypto Firms Still Not Adhering to Basic Governance Standards

Report: Well Known Crypto Firms Still Not Adhering to Basic Governance StandardsMany of the most well-known crypto firms are not adhering to basic governance standards, the findings of a Bloomberg survey have shown. Only 31 out of the 60 polled firms “currently procure a full financial audit or reserve attestations from an independent auditor.” Industry participants have said many crypto firms are not audited because the […]

Telegram CEO Arrested, Coinbase CEO Bullish on Crypto Payments, and More — Week in Review

Cameroonian Fintech Ejara Raises $8 Million in Series A Investment Round

Cameroonian Fintech Ejara Raises  Million in Series A Investment RoundJust over 12 months after raising $2 million, the Cameroonian fintech whose app allows users to buy and store crypto assets recently said it had received $8 million in its Series A investment round. According to Ruth Foxe Blader, partner at Anthemis, Ejara aims to become the one-stop platform where “a suite of financial products […]

Telegram CEO Arrested, Coinbase CEO Bullish on Crypto Payments, and More — Week in Review