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South Korea Financial Services Commission (FSC)

South Korean Ministries ‘Do Not Want’ to Take Charge of Crypto-Related Regulation, Claims Official

South Korean Ministries ‘Do Not Want’ to Take Charge of Crypto-Related Regulation, Claims OfficialThe crypto regulation crisis is on fire in South Korea, as politicians have struggled to reach agreements with top government officials to ease rulings. A local media outlet reveals that South Korean ministries “do not want” to take charge of the country’s digital assets’ regulation, after several meetings held in the last few days. Prime […]

Elon Musk’s sale of X to xAI just made fraud lawsuit a ‘lot spicer’

South Korean Banking Association Concerned Over Surge of the Altcoin Trading Frenzy

South Korean Banking Association Concerned Over Surge of the Altcoin Trading FrenzyA banking association in South Korea recently added weight to regulatory discussions across the country, raising concerns about the high altcoin trading volume. The Korea Federation of Banks (KFB) requested its members to audit trading volumes through their crypto exchanges’ customers’ altcoin activity. Altcoins Trading Volume Outperformed Bitcoin Last Weekend in South Korea According to […]

Elon Musk’s sale of X to xAI just made fraud lawsuit a ‘lot spicer’

South Korean Ruling Party Contemplates Postponing Crypto Tax in a Bid to Regain Younger Votes

South Korean Ruling Party Contemplates Postponing Crypto Tax in a Bid to Regain Younger VotesSouth Korean political parties are now battling to catch younger votes amid the tough stance among higher government spheres toward digital currencies. As voters are disappointed by how parties are handling the issue, one of them has taken a step forward by talking about the forthcoming crypto tax. The Democratic Party’s Expectations on Cryptocurrencies According […]

Elon Musk’s sale of X to xAI just made fraud lawsuit a ‘lot spicer’

South Korean Government Seeks to Regulate International Remittances Related to Crypto ‘Kimchi Premium’

South Korean Government Seeks to Regulate International Remittances Related to Crypto ‘Kimchi Premium’The famous gap in cryptocurrency prices in South Korean crypto exchanges and overseas ones known as “kimchi premium” raises some concerns among the nation’s government. The latest reports suggest that the country is planning to regulate international remittances tied to kimchi premium-driven transactions. Remittances to Exploit Kimchi Premium Could Be Flagged as Money Laundering According […]

Elon Musk’s sale of X to xAI just made fraud lawsuit a ‘lot spicer’

South Korean Government Announces Crackdown on Illicit Crypto-Related Transactions in an ‘Overheated Market’

South Korean Government Announces Crackdown on Illicit Crypto-Related Transactions in an ‘Overheated Market’Adding to the South Korean cryptocurrency industry’s stricter regulations, the central government is focusing on the “crackdown” of illegal crypto transactions. A meeting over the week held with high-ranked politicians resulted in a campaign that will soon be deployed. Government Seeks International Help to Monitor International Crypto Exchanges According to Chosun, the South Korean Government […]

Elon Musk’s sale of X to xAI just made fraud lawsuit a ‘lot spicer’