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South Korea Financial Supervisory Service

Crypto Fraud Reports in South Korea Surged Over 41% in 2020, Says Financial Watchdog

Crypto Fraud Reports in South Korea Surged Over 41% in 2020, Says Financial WatchdogAlthough bitcoin prices plummeted over the weekend, the overall bull-run remains alive, as well as the crypto-related fraud cases in South Korea. The latest figures by the domestic financial watchdog show that such incidents are still on the rise. Police to Dedicate a Special Unit to Investigate Crypto Frauds According to Asia Kyungjae, the Financial […]

Montana Bitcoin (BTC) Reserve Bill Passes Out of Committee Stage, Heads Toward State House Floor Vote

South Korean Government Announces Crackdown on Illicit Crypto-Related Transactions in an ‘Overheated Market’

South Korean Government Announces Crackdown on Illicit Crypto-Related Transactions in an ‘Overheated Market’Adding to the South Korean cryptocurrency industry’s stricter regulations, the central government is focusing on the “crackdown” of illegal crypto transactions. A meeting over the week held with high-ranked politicians resulted in a campaign that will soon be deployed. Government Seeks International Help to Monitor International Crypto Exchanges According to Chosun, the South Korean Government […]

Montana Bitcoin (BTC) Reserve Bill Passes Out of Committee Stage, Heads Toward State House Floor Vote