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Argentina Organizes National Blockchain Committee to Implement State Level Strategy

Argentina Organizes National Blockchain Committee to Implement State Level StrategyThe government of Argentina has designated a national blockchain committee in order to establish the directives for a state-level blockchain adoption strategy. In a document, Argentina remarks on the importance of this tech for the future and presents several use cases that would benefit from the introduction of blockchain for the digital transformation of the […]

Legal Expert Jeremy Hogan Says SEC Case Against Ripple Likely To Be Resolved in May – Here’s Why

Buenos Aires to Run Ethereum Nodes by 2023

Buenos Aires to Run Ethereum Nodes by 2023The city of Buenos Aires will deploy a number of Ethereum validator nodes in 2023. The statements were made by Diego Fernandez, secretary of Innovation and Digital Transformation of the city, who clarified this deployment will pursue exploratory and regulatory purposes and will help the city to develop regulations for cryptocurrencies. Buenos Aires to Deploy […]

Legal Expert Jeremy Hogan Says SEC Case Against Ripple Likely To Be Resolved in May – Here’s Why